The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2021-2-2IE01-KA220-VET-000048843

The Digital Skills Series – Booklet [R5]

Online Savvy Food Entrepreneur – Digital Infographic Booklet What it is: This Digital Skills booklet equips VET educators with practical tools to help Agri-Food entrepreneurs market to online consumers and...

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Online Savvy Food Entrepreneur – Digital Infographic Booklet

What it is: This Digital Skills booklet equips VET educators with practical tools to help Agri-Food entrepreneurs market to online consumers and build a digital brand using social media and other online platforms, creating Online Savvy Food Entrepreneurs.

Cover pages Website DigiFE Rs

Developed from survey insights of Agri-Food entrepreneurs in Ireland, Italy, and Poland, this evidence-based resource highlights key digital skills needs in the Agri-Food sector.

How Educators Can Use This Booklet:

  • Guide entrepreneurs in building a digital brand
  • Help them use social media effectively
  • Develop a foundational digital marketing strategy
  • Introduce KPI tracking for business growth

Languages Available: English, Italian, and Polish.

For additional insights into the development of the Digital Skills infographic resource, the full survey report, available below.

This report provides VET educators with a deeper understanding of Agri-Food entrepreneurs’ digital competencies and training needs across Ireland, Italy, and Poland. By highlighting essential digital skills, this resource supports educators in equipping entrepreneurs to expand their reach and engage effectively with online consumers. Together, the survey report and R5 infographic booklet serve as comprehensive tools to guide Agri-Food entrepreneurs in navigating and thriving within the digital marketplace.

Presenting key findings from a study on the digital competencies and training needs of Agri-Food entrepreneurs in Ireland, Italy, and Poland, the report offers VET educators a targeted approach to prioritising essential digital skills. These insights are designed to empower Agri-Food entrepreneurs, enabling them to successfully navigate and compete in the evolving digital marketplace.

About the Study
This study was conducted as part of the Erasmus+ funded Digital Readiness for Agri-Food Entrepreneurship Training (DigiFE) project, led by Atlantic Technological University in collaboration with CIA Toscana, the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre, and Macra na Feirme. The survey explored the current digital capabilities and specific training needs of Agri-Food entrepreneurs, providing evidence-based insights to inform educational resources that support digital skill-building in rural food entrepreneurship.

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